Friday, September 3, 2010

Indonesian Style Chicken Ball Soup & Fried Tempeh

Another hit for the kids especially

What you need:

chicken bone (I use breast part)
approx 150g chicken breast - diced
1 can luncheon meat - diced
fried onion - crushed
5 shallots - thinly sliced
1/2 onion (small size) - julienned
3 medium potatoes - diced
3 medium carrots - cut approx 3cm
a bunch of spring onion - cut approx 3cm
oil, water approx 3l, salt, pepper, nutmeg, fried onion
macaroni - boil til the desired consistency (optional)

Boil water with chicken bone to make the stock
Add in shallots and nutmeg
In a pan, heat oil and stir fry onion til soft, add in the soup
Add in half of luncheon meat in the soup

To make the balls:
Mix the balance of the luncheon meat and chicken - blend well to paste form
Add salt, pepper and crushed fried onion - mix well
Make balls and add in the soup - balls floating shows that they're cooked

Add in carrot, followed by potatoes
Add in salt and pepper to the soup
Bring the soup to boil - check the potatoes and carrots, when cooked, off heat
Sprinkle spring onion and fried onion

Best eat with rice
For the kids, I usually alternate between rice and macaroni, and sometimes both :)

Added this dish to eat together

What you need:

approx 300g tempeh, cut
5 cloves of garlic - crushed
2 pinch of coriander seeds - mix with a little water and crush with mortar
salt, a little water, plain flour, baking powder, oil for frying

Mix garlic, coriander, salt, flour and baking powder til paste form
Dip tempeh and fry til golden brown

Ian's fave - he knows tempeh and once he sees me frying this, he said, 'Mommy, I want tempeh!' :p

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