Monday, September 6, 2010

Chocolate Cheese Cupcakes

Having a sudden urge to bake on a Monday evening is something very unusual happened to me
So I decided to bake this...

Adapted recipe (with some adjustment) from Aunty Yochana - one of my fave blog :)

My first bite :P

What you need:

butter 200g (I use SCS)
sugar 230g

1 tsp coffee emulco
4 medium eggs
200g fresh milk

270g plain flour
25g cocoa powder
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
100g grated cheddar cheese

Cream A til creamy
Add B
Cream til light and smooth
Add C slowly
Beat til creamy and thoroughly mixed
Pour into mufin pan lined with paper cups
Bake 190degC for around 20mins

I topped the cupcakes with dark chocolate icing and M&M chocolate
This yummy cupcakes have soft texture, not so chocolatey or cheesy - just nice! :)

Makes 24

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