Thursday, August 26, 2010

Why Blogging

That's the question ringing in my ear when I created this blog
The reason is I have done this before, not once but twice and ended up untouched

After some thinking, I guess these are the reasons:
* I can make some time to blog since kids are getting bigger and more independent ( in a way i can consider they really are knowing they are only 5 and 3 years old )
* I am getting more attached to cooking and baking
* I am getting more forgetful and this blog can be used as my recipe book
* I really wish to get to know more food bloggers and be friends with them ( it must be fun to chat with them and share the same passion! )
* Somehow I always feel that I love expressing myself in writing - but really need to excuse my English *shy*
* Last but not least, I am a forever a food addict! :D

So, here I am, starting today - keep fingers and toes crossed that the lazy bug will not hit me for the third time and this blog can be continuously alive
Please mind the pics quality - still saving money to upgrade my camera *grin*

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