Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I am Back... sort of

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season.

We just got back from a two week adventure in our motor home. We drove through Oregon and California to Yuma, Arizona to visit my husband's father and step mother for a few days. More family joined us there and we had a wonderful time relaxing, catching up, playing games and celebrating Christmas together.

We then headed to Ajo, Arizona to visit my husband's mother and step father. We explored the desert, saw cool cactus, an old copper mine, a beautiful Catholic church, and funky houses. Our time in Ajo was spent exploring, eating great meals, doing fun science experiments, sewing projects and spending time together. It was really wonderful.

We then headed down the road to Williams, Arizona where we caught a train to the Grand Canyon. On our way there, one of the train engines died so we were delayed until they could get a new engine to us. By the time we arrived to the Grand Canyon it was snowing with zero visibility. We made the best of it by having a nice lunch in the El Tovar hotel. The train ride home was relaxing and fun. I have always wanted to see the Grand Canyon so I was disappointed that we weren't able to really SEE it. We woke up the next morning to find clear blue skies, so we decided to drive up to the Canyon after breakfast. There are no words to describe the Grand Canyon. It was absolutely beautiful and breathtaking. We were all in awe of it's beauty and size.

We had a fantastic road trip with so many great memories. It's good to be home and I can't wait to start cooking again...I just need to get through the laundry first. I hope to be posting recipes again tomorrow.

The first of a few trips to In-N-Out Burger

A sea of windmills

The London Bridge - Lake Havasu, Arizona

Ready for a cheese burger animal style!!

Visiting a date farm in Yuma, Arizona

Making our motor home festive

Old Copper mine

Catholic church

Funky house

Saguara Cactus

So cold!


So happy to finally see the Grand Canyon!


Sunset in California on the road home

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