Saturday, May 16, 2009

Pay it Forward

What is Pay it Forward?

There are so many lovely giveaways in blogland, bloggers eagerly commenting and abuzz with the excitement of winning an unexpected gift, but that’s it. Someone wins, and then the generosity comes to a screeching halt and we go on with our lives. Nice, but lacking in momentum. This giveaway is a little different, however, because the “receivers” are also to become “givers”, if you will. In fact, that’s the most important rule of the game...

The rules:

I will send two people who leave a comment on this post a gift within the next 365 days. I am willing to mail anywhere in the world, so don’t let that stop you from commenting. The catch is that you must have a blog and be willing to do the same thing. To enter, leave a comment on this post, no later than Thursday, May 21, 2009 by 5:00 p.m. (Pacific time). I will announce the winners this Friday, May 22, 2009. Good luck!

A couple of months ago I was lucky enough to be picked by Barbara Bakes to receive a Pay it Forward package. Make sure to check out Barbara's site for delicious food and baked goods - I always leave her blog hungry.

Here is what I received from Barbara:

A wonderful batch of tasty cookies and recipe for them, a delicious torte, a bar of dark chocolate, sea salt and a great magazine from Barbara's state of Utah. It was so fun to receive such a nice package from Barbara and I can't wait to Pay it Forward. Thanks Barbara!

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