Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Girls Weekend Away!!

I have the best husband a girl could ask for. He's handsome, charming, funny and kind. He always eats everything I make for him and usually has no complaints. He also takes great care of our kids while I leave for the weekend with my girlfriends once or twice a year. Now, every Mom (especially a stay at home mom) can appreciate what a weekend away with really good friends can do for the soul. Thank you Chad - I am the luckiest girl in the world!

I am off to Sun Valley, Idaho to visit some of my oldest and dearest friends and my two sisters. I haven't been back to my hometown, for more than a day, in many years. I am anxious to see how it has changed, visit with old friends and enjoy some of my very favorite restaurants. I am also looking forward to being in the snow, playing backgammon, relaxing, not cooking, and sleeping in. I'll be back to posting next week. Cheers!

Blog Award:

I received this award from two amazing food bloggers. First is Priscilla from Priscilla's Baking Adventures, who is 16 years old, and bakes the most delicious and tempting treats. I always leave her site drooling.

The other person who gave me this award is Emily from The Open Pantry, who always has wonderful recipes, stories and pictures. Make sure you check out their sites. Thank you girls, I really appreciate the awards!

Here are the rules for this award. Please find 5 blogs, of any kind that you love to read. Write a post about the blogs you picked, linking back to them. Make sure you let them know you gave them an award.

These are all excellent blogs that feature great recipes, mouth watering pictures and fun stories. Please check them out - you will love them as much as I do.

Thanks again to Priscilla and Emily for giving me this award.

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